Hashnode & Astro
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Hashnode is a hosted CMS that allows you to create a blog or publication.
Integrating with Astro
Section titled Integrating with AstroIn this section, we’ll use the graphql-request project to bring your data into your Astro project.
Section titled PrerequisitesTo get started you will need to have the following:
An Astro project - If you don’t have an Astro project yet, our Installation guide will get you up and running in no time.
A Hashnode site - Its free to get started and create a Solo site on Hashnode. You can create a site by visiting Hashnode.
Installing dependencies
Section titled Installing dependenciesFirst, you will need to install the graphql-request
package. This package is a minimal GraphQL client that works well with Astro.
npm install graphql-request
pnpm add graphql-request
yarn add graphql-request
Making a blog with Astro and Hashnode
Section titled Making a blog with Astro and HashnodeWith the setup above, you are now able to create a blog that uses Hashnode as the CMS.
Section titled Prerequisites- A Hashnode Blog
- An Astro project integrated with the graphql-request package installed.
This example will create an index page that lists posts with links to dynamically-generated individual post pages.
Fetching Data
Section titled Fetching DataYou can fetch your site’s data with the graphql-request package.
First, create the client.ts
& schema.ts
files under a lib
- client.ts
- schema.ts
- index.astro
- astro.config.mjs
- package.json
Initialize an API instance with the GraphQLClient using the URL from your Hashnode Website.
import { gql, GraphQLClient } from "graphql-request";import type { AllPostsData, PostData } from "./schema";
export const getClient = () => { return new GraphQLClient("https://gql.hashnode.com")}
const myHashnodeURL = "astroplayground.hashnode.dev";
export const getAllPosts = async () => { const client = getClient();
const allPosts = await client.request<AllPostsData>( gql` query allPosts { publication(host: "${myHashnodeURL}") { title posts(first: 20) { pageInfo{ hasNextPage endCursor } edges { node { author{ name profilePicture } title subtitle brief slug coverImage { url } tags { name slug } publishedAt readTimeInMinutes } } } } } ` );
return allPosts;};
export const getPost = async (slug: string) => { const client = getClient();
const data = await client.request<PostData>( gql` query postDetails($slug: String!) { publication(host: "${myHashnodeURL}") { post(slug: $slug) { author{ name profilePicture } publishedAt title subtitle readTimeInMinutes content{ html } tags { name slug } coverImage { url } } } } `, { slug: slug } );
return data.publication.post;};
And setup the schema file to define the shape of the data returned from the Hashnode API.
import { z } from "astro/zod";
export const PostSchema = z.object({ author: z.object({ name: z.string(), profilePicture: z.string(), }), publishedAt: z.string(), title: z.string(), subtitle: z.string(), brief: z.string(), slug: z.string(), readTimeInMinutes: z.number(), content: z.object({ html: z.string(), }), tags: z.array(z.object({ name: z.string(), slug: z.string(), })), coverImage: z.object({ url: z.string(), }),})
export const AllPostsDataSchema = z.object({ publication: z.object({ title: z.string(), posts: z.object({ pageInfo: z.object({ hasNextPage: z.boolean(), endCursor: z.string(), }), edges: z.array(z.object({ node: PostSchema, })), }), }),})
export const PostDataSchema = z.object({ publication: z.object({ title: z.string(), post: PostSchema, }),})
export type Post = z.infer<typeof PostSchema>export type AllPostsData = z.infer<typeof AllPostsDataSchema>export type PostData = z.infer<typeof PostDataSchema>
Displaying a list of posts
Section titled Displaying a list of postsThe page src/pages/index.astro
will display a list of posts, each with a description and link to its own page.
- …
- client.ts
- schema.ts
- index.astro
- astro.config.mjs
- package.json
Import getAllPosts()
in the Astro frontmatter to fetch the data from Hashnode.
---import { getAllPosts } from '../lib/client';
const data = await getAllPosts();const allPosts = data.publication.posts.edges;
Fetching via the graphql client returns an array of objects containing the properties for each post such as:
- the title of the postbrief
- the HTML rendering of the content of the postcoverImage.url
- the source URL of the featured image of the postslug
- the slug of the post
Use the posts
array returned from the fetch to display a list of blog posts on the page.
---import { getAllPosts } from '../lib/client';
const data = await getAllPosts();const allPosts = data.publication.posts.edges;
<html lang="en"> <head> <title>Astro + Hashnode</title> </head> <body>
{ allPosts.map((post) => ( <div> <h2>{post.node.title}</h2> <p>{post.node.brief}</p> <img src={post.node.coverImage.url} alt={post.node.title} /> <a href={`/post/${post.node.slug}`}>Read more</a> </div> )) } </body></html>
Generating pages
Section titled Generating pagesThe page src/pages/post/[slug].astro
dynamically generates a page for each post.
- …
- client.ts
- schema.ts
- index.astro
- [slug].astro
- astro.config.mjs
- package.json
Import getAllPosts()
and getPost()
in the Astro frontmatter to fetch the data from Hashnode and generate the page route for each post.
---import { getAllPosts, getPost } from '../../lib/client';
export async function getStaticPaths() { const data = await getAllPosts(); const allPosts = data.publication.posts.edges; return allPosts.map((post) => { return { params: { slug: post.node.slug }, } })}const { slug } = Astro.params;const post = await getPost(slug);
Create the template for each page using the properties of each post
---import { getAllPosts, getPost } from '../../lib/client';
export async function getStaticPaths() { const data = await getAllPosts(); const allPosts = data.publication.posts.edges; return allPosts.map((post) => { return { params: { slug: post.node.slug }, } })}const { slug } = Astro.params;const post = await getPost(slug);
---<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <title>{post.title}</title> </head> <body> <img src={post.coverImage.url} alt={post.title} />
<h1>{post.title}</h1> <p>{post.readTimeInMinutes} min read</p>
<Fragment set:html={post.content.html} /> </body></html>
<Fragment />
is a built-in Astro component which allows you to avoid an unnecessary wrapper element. This can be especially useful when fetching HTML from a CMS (e.g. Hashnode or WordPress).
Publishing your site
Section titled Publishing your siteTo deploy your site visit our deployment guide and follow the instructions for your preferred hosting provider.
Community Resources
Section titled Community Resourcesastro-hashnode
on GitHub